General News of Thursday, 24 November 2016


What to do at the polling station on December 7

Directions on how to vote at the up coming elections Directions on how to vote at the up coming elections

Thousands of Ghanaian first time voters will join other eligible voters on December 7 to elect a president and 275 parliamentarians.

3News brings to these first time voters and many others, the step-by-step process a voter will have to go through at their various polling stations on the election day to cast their ballot.

Voters are not to do anything that could disrupt the elections.

Let’s remember that Ghana belongs to us all and we must ensure that peace prevails.

- Quietly join the queue

- A polling assistant will check your particulars on the name reference list.

- Next, a verification officer will then verify your identity

- A polling assistant then gives you the parliamentary ballot paper

- You then move to the voting screen [boot] to cast your vote in secret

- Drop your vote in the parliamentary ballot box

- After the parliamentary vote, the polling assistant will then hand to you the presidential ballot paper.

- You then return to the voting screen to cast your vote for a presidential candidate of your choice

- Drop your vote in the presidential ballot box and leave the polling station